Embarking on a transformative journey, Kaerly, the Danish interior brand, breathes new life into its flagship stores in Munich. The heart of this renovation lies in the choice of Norrvange brushed stone, a splendid Swedish limestone that now graces expansive areas within the stores.

Anders Kjærgaard, the visionary mind behind Bureau 117, the Danish design agency accompanying Kaerly on this venture, expresses enthusiasm for the seamless fusion of Norrvange with Kaerly's philosophy and the array of Danish design furniture offered. The decision to embrace this timeless Scandinavian flooring was met with certainty, as it effortlessly complements the brand's ethos.

The lightly rustic charm of Norrvange establishes a harmonious rapport with oiled oak wood floors, soft white surfaces, and the meticulously curated selection of Danish design furniture that defines Kaerly's unique identity. This collaboration between natural stone and contemporary design creates an inviting ambiance, inviting customers to immerse themselves in the aesthetic tapestry woven by Kaerly's dedication to authenticity and quality.